Author: kuba
Reason and remedy for the fear of programming
“He clearly must be very frustrated” I thought to myself reading one of his very long and bitter comments.. He was an expert in his field and he was upset about all the job offers that require, in his opinion, too much skills. One of this skills was programming. I understood his frustration. I was… Continue reading Reason and remedy for the fear of programming
The dark side of GIS programming
I think that Star Wars is a rich source of metaphors about the human nature. Our weaknesses are pretty obvious on the big screen. Our hero succumbs to the Dark Side. The symbol of fear and the resistance. In the real life, things aren’t usually that dramatic. We’re not always aware of our own resistance.… Continue reading The dark side of GIS programming
How To Make Your Work More Valuable
I often ask myself those two simple questions to make my work more fun and productive. If you first relax and then ponder them for a while, you will find yourself reenergized with new possibilites. I know. We techies don’t usually do that. Try it. I’m sure that after thinking about it for a while… Continue reading How To Make Your Work More Valuable